Over the past eighteen years, Training Grounds Inc. (TGI) has successfully designed and implemented innovative programs, events, and services that have impacted more than 9,500 individuals throughout Prince George’s County, MD, and the Washington, DC Metropolitan area! As we expand our Workforce of the Future Initiative by focusing more intently on training and credentialing that propel job seekers into non-traditional high-demand career pathways, we see a need for cross-sector partnerships that help to keep the doors of opportunity open for our communities.
Training Grounds has formed strategic partnerships with the Last Mile Network, Inncuvate, and others, with the goal of establishing a training hub for Prince George’s County residents. This training ecosystem will feed directly into employment opportunities for the Construction, Information Technology, Sustainable Energy, and Hospitality sector-based jobs that support development projects throughout the region, including the Blue Line Corridor.
On Saturday, September 23, 2023, at the Sustainable Energy and Construction and Building Technology Forum, Training Grounds will convene a group of Prince George’s County Stakeholders around the innovative opportunities that exist for residents, community, and businesses.
. This information-packed event will:
- Provide local developers and minority contractors with information on the top real estate development projects coming to Prince George’s County over the next 10 years
- Discuss the capacity building support for contractors and training opportunities for residents that will be made available through the Inncuvate Innovation Studio
- Showcase a model of an Accessory Dwelling Unit construction by Module of The Last Mile Network and the benefits of a Last Mile Lab Finishing Facility in Prince George’s County.
- Feature the Inncuvate Innovation Studio Residents (Inncuvate; Training Grounds; Words, Beats & Life; and Metro eSports during the Community Event segment.